Library Services
Computers & Printing
Photocopy / Scan
Interlibrary Loans
Meetings & Study Rooms
Notary Public
MI Activity Pass
Computer & Printing
Computers with Internet access and Microsoft Office software are located in the adult, teen, and youth areas. A valid Saline District Library card with a PIN is needed to use the Internet computers, or a guest pass may be requested. Computers are currently available for 2 hours on a first come, first served basis.
Wireless Access
Free wireless access is available in most areas of the library and grounds. The wifi network is SDL-WIFI, and no password or library card is required.
Flash Drives
Flash drives are available for sale at the circulation desk.
Remote printing: Click here to send a print job from any device by uploading a file.
Pick up your print job at our self-serve print retrieval kiosk, which accepts cash and credit cards for payment. (B&W: $.10/page, Color: $.50/page)
Print jobs sent from our public computers are picked up at the same self-serve print retrieval kiosk.
Internet Filtering
To comply with state law, Saline District Library has chosen to filter all terminals with monitors that might be visible to minors. For that reason, wireless access is also filtered. We have made every effort to enable access to various requested utilities, but there may still be unavailable sites.
Photocopy / Scan
Color copies cost $.50 each and black and white copies are $.10. Paper sizes include 8.5 x 11, 8.5 x 14, and 11 x 17.
Scanning is available, free of charge, at the color copier located near the circulation desk.
Interlibrary Loans
Can’t find an item in our catalog? Try MeLCat!
If Saline District Library does not have a book, audio book, music CD, or movie, it can be requested online at no charge through MelCat.
MeLCat is available through the Michigan eLibrary (MeL). It allows you to search for, request and renew items from a single catalog of more than 26 million items from over 250 libraries statewide, including public, academic, school and special libraries.
Access the MeLCat catalog from the link on our web page, 24 hours a day.
Select the item you want, click Get This For Me, select Saline District Library from the list, and enter your name and library card barcode number.
You will be notified by phone or email when your item is available for pickup at Saline District Library.
Please note that some items may not be requestable if the publication date is recent or the item, such as a DVD, is easily damaged.

Meeting & Study Rooms
The Brecon Room & study rooms are unavailable during renovations. Study rooms will be available in late January 2025. Our new Program Room will be available in March 2025.
Meeting Rooms
The Brecon Room is a meeting room with a capacity of 60 people that can be divided into two rooms with a capacity of 20 on each side. The rooms may be reserved by the public for certain limited educational, cultural, civic and intellectual functions conducted by community groups, governmental groups, and service organizations. In addition:
- The meeting rooms must be reserved by someone with a valid SDL library card who is at least 18 years of age. The person submitting the reservation request must be present for the entirety of the approved function.
- Youth groups (those groups with attendees under the age of 18) must have adult supervision.
- Profit-making organizations may use the rooms for business meetings or staff training sessions only.
- All meetings held in the Library meeting rooms must be open to the public free of charge, and the sale of merchandise is not allowed. Meeting rooms are not available for private social occasions.
- All attendees must abide by Policy 511: Use of Library Meeting Rooms and Policy 502: Code of Behavior.
To request a room reservation, follow these instructions and complete an online reservation request.
Study Rooms
Three study rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Please note that use is limited to 4 people at a time for 2-hour sessions.
Notary Public
Notary Public
Notary Public services are available free of charge at SDL. Please call the library before arriving to make sure that one of our notaries on staff are available. Notary services are not available the last half hour that the library is open.
MI Activity Pass
Michigan Activity Pass (MAP)
Did you know that your library card can be your best travel companion? Discover hundreds of Michigan’s cultural destinations and natural attractions with your Michigan library card! Visit the Michigan Activity Pass website to “check out” FREE or discounted admission passes (or other exclusive offers) to hundreds of Michigan state parks, campgrounds, museums, trails, arts & cultural destinations; no need to come to the library for physical passes.
The Michigan Activity Pass program is available through our membership in The Library Network