Renovations & Site Improvements
Renovation Updates from SDL
Final Steps as of January 18, 2025
The project is almost complete! This is what remains:
- The new program rooms are not yet available for library programs, or for use by the public.
- We have 2 study rooms available; the remaining 3 are being completed.
- The fully accessible gender neutral restroom is still being constructed.
- The Friends of the Library Book Shop is not yet ready to open.
- Our new sign is still being complete.
Thank you for your patience over these past few months while we renovated and improved your SDL!
Weekly Progress Reports
Phase 1 Completed: Adult & Teen areas closed June 1-August 9
The following are unavailable during this time:
- Most Adult & Teen materials (New items and a small, browsable collection are available)
- Public computers & printing
- Study rooms
- Brecon Room
- Northwest parking lot & entrance
Click here for a list of nearby local libraries that allow non-library cardholders to use their computers, study rooms, and meeting rooms. Thank you to the Saline Area Senior Center for allowing anyone 45+ to use SASC’s computer for free during Phase 1 of SDL’s renovations.
Phase 2 Completed: Main desk & Staff areas closed August 10-November 1
The following will be unavailable during this time:
- Main desk (We have a temporary desk to check out materials in the Adult Dept.)
- Drive-through book return (All materials need to returned inside the library during open hours.)
- Study rooms
- Brecon Room
- Northwest parking lot & entrance
Phase 3 Completed: Youth area & Lobby closed November 2-January 17
The following are unavailable during this time:
- All Youth materials (We will keep some new items available at the front of the library)
- Study rooms
- Brecon Room
- Main entrance & parking lot
- Friends of the Library Corner Book Shop
Plans & Renderings
Saline District Library Announces Interior Renovations & Site Improvements
March 15, 2024
The Saline District Library will begin construction on interior renovations and site improvements in June 2024. The plan calls for an outdoor pavilion and paved story trail on library grounds, and building renovations include more study rooms, larger space for teens, increased comfortable seating areas, a drive-through service window to pick up holds, improved program rooms, a fully accessible non-gendered public restroom, and more.
The library is working with Quinn Evans Architects and McCarthy & Smith Construction Services on this project, which is scheduled for June to December 2024. Interior renovations will take place in 3 phases to allow the library to stay open to the public as much as possible during construction. The project will cost approximately $4 million, paid for by SDL fund balances that were established for this purpose. The Friends of the Saline District Library have also generously committed to a $100,000 contribution to the project.
According to Library Director Karrie Waarala, the impetus for this project stems from SDL’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. “We listened carefully to community input when developing the plan,” she says. “The top requests of more study rooms, increased space for our after school teens, and more comfortable seating areas made it clear that optimizing library spaces was the #1 focus area for our community. We’re excited to deliver on those requests and to make better use of the library’s beautiful grounds.”
Project Documents
New Furniture Samples
Interior Materials Samples
Interior Renovation Phases
Exterior Construction Site
Renovation FAQs
How long will the project take?
Construction will start in early June. The exterior site improvements are scheduled to be completed in September, and the interior renovations should be done in December.
Will the library stay open during construction?
We’ve divided the interior renovations into 3 phases to allow the library to stay open as much as possible. While there will be times that sections of the library will be unavailable, and occasional days that the library will be closed altogether, we appreciate everyone’s patience as we strive to give our community top-notch service throughout the project – it just may look a little different at times!
What are the 3 phases of interior renovations?
Interior renovations are divided into 3 phases so that we can continue to keep the library open as much as possible. Current project dates are:
- Phase 1: June 10-August 9. This will include a new Teen Room, new comfortable seating in the adult area, new public computers, and a new adult reference desk.
- Phase 2: August 12-November 1. This will include a drive-through service window to pick up reserved materials, a new front desk, a home for our ETC Collection, and improvements to work areas for our staff.
- Phase 3: November 2-December 18. This will include 2 new program rooms, 2 new study rooms, a new commons area to sit and enjoy new releases and magazines, a new youth reference desk, a fully accessible non-gendered restroom with an adult sized changing table, and a new home for the Friends of the Library Corner Book Shop in what is now the Brecon Room.
What improvements will be made during interior renovations?
Interior renovations include:
- Larger Teen Room
- More study rooms
- Increased comfortable seating areas
- Drive-through service window for holds pickups
- New program rooms with updated AV capabilities
- Fully accessible non-gendered restroom with adult-sized changing table
- New shelving for our ETC Collection
- Updated furnishings & new carpet
- Improved staff workspaces with better storage
- Larger space for the Friends of the Library Corner Book Shop
What exterior site improvements will be made?
Exterior site improvements include:
- New pavilion for outdoor programming
- New paved plaza with exterior seating & access to the pavilion
- Paved story trail around the building
- Additional rain garden area & new landscaping
Can the public still reserve the Brecon Room and use study rooms during construction?
The library will not have meeting rooms available for public use beginning on June 1. Study rooms and reservations of the new program room will become available next year.
Will computers and printing be available during the project?
Public computers and printing will be unavailable during Phase 1 of the renovations (June 1-August 9).
How much will this project cost?
The project will cost approximately $4 million.
How is the library paying for this?
The library has a healthy fund balance that had been set aside precisely for a capital project like this. SDL will not need any additional funds from our taxpayers. In addition, the Friends of the Saline District Library have generously committed to a $100,000 contribution to help with this project.
Why is SDL doing this?
When the library was creating its 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, the #1 focus area that emerged after many rounds of input from community members was Optimize Spaces. Our Strategic Plan states that:
SDL will optimize indoor and outdoor library spaces to evolve as a destination within the community, providing experiential and interactive environments that delight users and improve quality of life.
What companies are handling the construction project?
McCarthy & Smith, Inc. is managing the construction. Quinn Evans is handling architecture and design.
Press Coverage
11/12/24 Saline Post article
11/11/24 Sun Times article
10/25/24 Saline Post news release
6/5/24 Sun Times article
6/4/24 Saline Post article
5/29/24 Saline Post news release
5/10/24 Sun Times article
3/20/24 MLive article
3/19/24 Saline Post news release
3/15/24 Sun Times news release